Terms and Conditions of Membership


In these terms and conditions:

Annual Membership Fee: means the fee payable on first becoming a Member of the Club by a Member for a twelve month Membership, paid either monthly or annually, and thereafter on each subsequent anniversary of Membership, if Membership is renewed.

Club: means Frankie’s.

Member: means a person who applies to join the Club via one of the Membership Plans, subject to the terms and conditions outlined below.

Membership: means the period during which the Member’s contract with the Club is in existence.

Membership Plan: means one of the schemes run by the Club.

Services: means the events, newsletters and other benefits which are associated with a particular Membership plan and will be provided by the Club to the Member on successful application by the Member.

2. Agreement to these terms

The Member confirms that they have read these terms and conditions of membership and that they agree to be bound by them.

The Member will be provided with a copy of these terms and conditions once their application for Membership has been accepted by the Club. The Member should retain these for their own reference.

The Club reserves the right to amend the terms and conditions of membership from time to time where necessary. The Club will provide the Member with a copy of any updated terms and conditions which should be retained for the Member’s own reference.

3  Application for Membership

Prospective members must apply for membership of the Club using the ‘Expression of interest’ form which is available on the Club’s website. Applying for Membership will be deemed as acceptance of these terms and conditions.

We reserve the right to decline an application on the grounds of unsuitability of the applicant or lack of space or resources on the part of the Club or for any other reason. The Club is not obliged to provide the applicant with reasons for declining an application.

Membership of the Club is subject to the payment of the Annual Membership Fee by the Member.

4. Contract term and payments

Membership shall operate on an annual basis. The initial Membership term of twelve months shall commence on the date on which the Member’s application for Membership is accepted by the Club and the payment, or where applicable first monthly payment, of the Annual Membership Fee.

The Annual Membership Fee will become due and payable when the Club accepts the application for Membership and on each subsequent anniversary of the Membership commencing, if the Member chooses to renew their Membership in accordance with the provisions above.

Members can elect to pay the Annual Membership Fee to the Club either:

  • in full immediately after Membership has been accepted; or
  • in twelve equal instalments payable on a monthly basis on a date and in a manner set out in the relevant section on the Club website.

Payment of the Annual Membership Fee shall be made via the secure payment link on the Club’s website, to which Members will be directed following acceptance of their Membership application, or by any other method which the Club may specify from time to time.

Failure to pay the Annual Membership Fee shall result in the Membership being automatically terminated.

If a Member has elected to pay by way of monthly instalments Members must make monthly payments when they fall due. If a Member’s monthly payment is more than 14 days’ late from the date when it falls due, then it will be within the Club’s right to terminate their membership with immediate effect.

If the Club terminates Membership for any reason the Member shall remain fully liable to the Club to pay the outstanding balance of the Annual Membership Fee (if any), which shall become immediately due and payable in full on the date of termination.

Following termination of Membership, the Member will be unable to access the Services provided by the Club in accordance with their Membership Plan until such time as the Member reapplies for Membership and the Annual Membership Fee and any arrears owed is received.

Upon expiry of the term of twelve months from the date of Membership, the Member will have the option to either terminate or renew their Membership. Any Member wishing to continue their Membership must notify the Club by replying to the renewal reminder email, which will be sent in advance of the twelve-month expiration date. Memberships will automatically lapse if a Member does not respond to the renewal reminder email within the time frame specified in the email itself. Automatic lapse of a Membership in this way will not preclude the Member from re-applying for a new Membership. Termination of the Membership on expiry of an annual period will not incur a charge.


5.  Membership Plans

The Club offers the following Membership Plans:

5.1  Frankie’s: the cost of a Frankie’s Membership, and the Services available to any Member who signs up to this Membership Plan, will be as set out in the relevant section on the Club website.

5.2  Corporate Membership: fees for Corporate Membership will vary on a case by case basis, subject to bespoke arrangements agreed between the Member and the Club. All enquiries regarding Corporate Memberships should be directed to [email protected].

3  Affiliated Partners: the cost of an Affiliate Partnership will be tailored according to the agreement between the affiliate partner and the Club. All enquiries regarding Affiliated Partnerships should be directed to [email protected].

The costs associated with all Membership Plans will be subject to variation from time to time at the discretion of the Club. Any changes to the costs of Membership will be communicated to the Member in writing and will take effect on the first anniversary of the Membership following notification of the change.

6.    Supply of Services

The Club will provide the Services to the Member, or make the Services available to the Member, in accordance with the Member’s particular Membership Plan.

The Club reserves the right to make changes to the Services to be delivered in accordance with the Club’s time and resources and will endeavour to notify the Member in writing in advance of any relevant changes. The Club reserves the right not to notify the Member where the changes are necessary to comply with any statutory requirements or where they do not materially affect the nature or quality of the Services to be delivered.

7. Club Events

The Club reserves the right to alter the program of any event up to the day of the event. If any event is cancelled for any reason the Club will use reasonable endeavours to inform the Member. Where possible, the Club will endeavour to provide an alternative date and time for the event, or to schedule a substitute event.

8.Good faith

The Member acknowledges the ethos of Frankie’s as a professional and exclusive membership club dedicated to inspiring businesswomen to connect, collaborate and engage with financial issues, as well as encouraging and supporting women in their professional careers and entrepreneurial ventures.

The Member agrees at all times to conduct themselves professionally, and in a manner which accords with the spirit of positive connection, support and engagement which is central to the ethos of the Club. Any Member who, in the opinion of the Club, fails to conduct themselves with the requisite level of professionalism, who treats other Club members or staff with disrespect, or who conducts themselves in a manner which is detrimental to the success, interests or reputation of the Club, may have their Membership suspended or terminated at the discretion of the Club. In such cases a refund of the Annual Membership Fee will not be granted.

9. Warranty & liability

Where Services are provided by an agent or third party, the Club does not give any warranty, indemnity or guarantee as to the diligence, care and quality with which that Service is carried out.

Except in cases of death or personal injury caused by the Club’s own negligence, the Club shall not be liable to the Member because of any representation (unless fraudulent or negligent) for any loss of profit or any indirect, special or consequential loss, damage costs, expenses or other claims (whether caused by the negligence of the Club or its agents or otherwise) which arise out of or in connection with the provision of the Services. The entire liability of the Club under or in connection with the Services shall not exceed the amount of the Club’s charges for the provision of the Services, except as expressly provided in these Terms. This warranty is in place of all other terms, conditions and warranties, express or implied, statutory or otherwise, and any other liabilities whatsoever and howsoever arising.

The Club shall not be liable to the Member, or be considered to be in breach of these terms and conditions, where there is a delay or failure to provide a Service owing to circumstances outside the Club’s control.

10. Termination & Refunds

A Member may terminate their membership by giving one month’s notice to the Club in writing.

Either party may terminate the Membership at any time by giving immediate notice in writing if the other party commits a breach of the terms of these terms and conditions, or goes into liquidation, becomes bankrupt, reaches a voluntary arrangement with its creditors or appoints a receiver or administrator.

Termination of Membership for whatever reason shall result in any sums owed by the Member to the Club becoming immediately due and payable.

In the event of termination before expiry of the relevant year, the Club will not, as a general policy, issue refunds to the terminating Member in respect of fees applicable to the remaining proportion of the relevant year. If any Member feels they ought to be entitled to a refund of all or part of their Annual Membership Fee, they should submit a request in writing to the Club or by email to [email protected], setting out their reasons for requesting the refund, for the Club’s consideration. The Club’s decision as to whether to issue a refund, and if applicable, how much to issue, shall be final.

In the event of termination of a Monthly Membership, by a Member, following the Financial Health Check, the Member will be liable to pay the Club the outstanding fees for the remainder of the annual plan. 

Memberships are automatically renewed annually. A Member is entitled to cancel their membership within 48 hours of its renewal, by submitting a request in writing to the Club or by email to [email protected],   without giving any reason for doing so. 

A Member can cancel their subscription at any time in their account. For Annual Subscriptions the Member will still have access to the Club for the remainder of their membership period. 


11. Data Protection

The personal information given by Members as part of the sign-on process will be respected and dealt with by the Club in accordance with the Privacy Policy, the Data Protection Act 1998 and the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), and will be used by the Club to administer Memberships. It is the responsibility of the Member to keep their data accurate and up-to-date, and to inform the Club promptly of any changes to their personal information.

12. Notices

All notices should either be sent to the Club’s address in writing or by email to [email protected].


If any of the terms of this agreement are held to be unenforceable, in whole or in part, then the agreement shall be construed as if the relevant term is omitted from it. The remainder of the terms and conditions, and the remainder of the provision in question, if applicable, shall not be affected.

14.Entire Agreement

These terms and conditions of membership, together with the website terms and conditions, privacy policy and cookie policy shall together constitute the entire agreement between the Member and the Club.


These terms and conditions will be interpreted in accordance with the law of England and Wales. The Member agrees that the courts of England and Wales shall have exclusive jurisdiction to govern any disputes relating to the terms of this agreement.


These terms and conditions were last updated on 17th May 2023.